

Jackie demonstrates using a bike helmet mirror, which helps her monitor the traffic behind her.

Mirror, mirror on the bike (or helmet, or sunglasses, or arm)

When it comes to bicycle touring safety accessories, helmets seem to get all the attention. We require all our guests and guides to wear them when…

Proud to be a League-Certified Bicycle Friendly Business

WomanTours earns a Gold Bicycle Friendly Business designation from the League of American Bicyclists

WomanTours, Inc. is proud to announce that we have earned recognition as a Gold Bicycle Friendly Business from the League of American Bicyclists.…

pandemic travel insurance: what to know ahead of time

Travel insurance in the age of Covid-19

WomanTours has always recommended that our guests purchase travel insurance when they tour with us. That recommendation still holds firm in the age of…

Bike our specialist Michelle Cooley is armed with sanitizer

Protocols for bike touring in the age of Covid-19

Updated 3/10/23 We realize that COVID-19 is here to stay. Given the fact that the estimated majority of adults in the U.S. have reportedly had COVID…

A gift from our guides: Tour recipes to comfort you at home

To say that everyone at WomanTours misses being on tour with our guests is an understatement. We miss you oh so very much, as our guests are…