bike tours

bike tours

Woman on a bike tour standing alone in bicycling wardrobe and helmet on a bridge

Don't have a travel companion for a bike tour? Don't let that stop you!

If you are new to WomanTours and are considering coming on a bike tour by yourself, there’s one thing we want you to know: You won’t be…

pandemic travel insurance: what to know ahead of time

Travel insurance in the age of Covid-19

WomanTours has always recommended that our guests purchase travel insurance when they tour with us. That recommendation still holds firm in the age of…

Karen and Annette on the Great Allegheny Passage

She says/she says: Simple smartphone camera tips from a know-nothing iPhone owner AND an award-winning professional photographer

What is vacation, and more specifically, a bicycle vacation, if not an excuse to take pictures, and lots of them? In fact, my inner statistician…


Finding Your Reason to Ride

If you are reading this blog, I’m going to assume you love to travel by bike, and if you haven’t done so already, you would like to.…