What is the difference between the regular and “epic” tours?

Our epic and cross-country tours are epic in scope. They’re often about completing the full length of a trail or crossing an entire country.
Therefore we run them a bit differently from our other tours. We often reserve more modest hotels for our epic tours. Our guides prepare a buffet dinner and everyone eats together outside. On our regular tours, we dine in restaurants in the evenings.

On our epic tours, while one guide takes the van to the next hotel to prepare dinner, we use a second vehicle to support the riders along the route. On our regular tours, one guide supports the riders in our one vehicle along the route while the other guide rides her bike last behind all the bicyclists.

On all of our tours, we do all we can to help you accomplish whatever you want to do. If you’re looking for a sense of achievement, join us on an epic tour. If you’re looking for an adventure, join us on any tour!